new free video series

F.E.E.L.™ - the royal skill of emotional intelligence

Can the way out of difficult emotional and stressful situations be fast and easy?

When there’s tension in the air and your partner doesn’t hug you for the 4th night in a row or this coworker just can’t say things kindly, the kids ignore your request to shower… It indeed is hard to handle emotionally charged moments.

This is why I teach F.E.E.L.™.

And here it is…

new free video series

F.E.E.L.™ - the royal skill of emotional intelligence

Unlock a free access to 4 videos exploring the most rocky areas of life:


Pinch me, is this my life?

How distant couple found connection again



Men and feelings = power couple

The power that is revealed, when a man connects to his emotions



My teen told me “Idiot!”

How to handle difficult teenage times and remain connected with your children throughout



Awaken through your emotions

The secret power of connecting to your feelings and how this helps you discovering your purpose


Here are the 10 signs, you will benefit from getting in touch with your true feelings:

  1. You have a hard time making good decisions.
  2. You spend too much time, money and energy on emotional issues.
  3. You strongly desire to get in touch with your life’s purpose and mission.
  4. You want to increase your level of happiness and confidence.
  5. You need a lot of time to recover from hard situations.
  6. You struggle to make your life meaningful.
  7. You struggle to create healthy and connected relationships.
  8. You find yourself in unpleasant or dangerous situations more often than you would like.
  9. You bumped into your professional and financial ceiling.
  10. You are sick of things you dislike in your life and you have enough. Period.

O Špelci

Moje ime je dr. Špelca Morojna, sem pisateljica (treh knjig s četrto na poti), predavateljica, terapevtka in kreatorka procesa F.E.E.L.™ ter ustanoviteljica F.E.E.L.™ Izobraževalnega sistema.

Zaključila sem šestletno šolanje za bioenergetsko zdravljenje in psihologijo uma in telesa (body-mind psychology) na šoli Barbara Brennan School of Healing, kjer sem se specializirala za osebni in skupinski čustveni proces. Svoje znanje združevanja poslovne in osebne uspešnosti redno nadgrajujem pri priznanih mednarodnih mentorjih. Danes sem predana mentorica tisočim študentom in diplomantom.

Proces zdravega čustvovanja F.E.E.L.™ je plod 28-letnega dela, raziskovanja in poglobljenega študija. Pomagal je več tisoč posameznikom in družinam na poti od razpadlih odnosov, čustvene otopelosti ali ujetosti v dramah do povezanosti, samozavesti, notranjega miru in moči. Moje največje zadovoljstvo je spremljati vas, ko kreirate lepe odnose ter dosegate osebne in poslovne sanje, srečo in izpolnjenost.


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Razumem in se strinjam, da se vpisujem v F.E.E.L. MEMBERSHIP članstvo za najmanj 12 mesecev, zaradi zaupne narave dela. Če mi način dela ne odgovarja, lahko iz članstva izstopim po 30 dneh od pričetka. V tem primeru plačam samo 1. obrok oz. lahko zahtevam vračilo vplačane celoletne članarine, zmanjšanje za prvi obrok oz. 69 eur. Če po 30 dneh članstva zaradi kateregakoli razloga dvomim o nadaljevanju, lahko predlagam 15 minutni osebni pogovor z mentoricama Janjo Urbančič ali dr. Špelco Morojna in se pogovorim o svojih dvomih. Tudi če (več) ne sodelujem v aktivnostih članstva, sem kljub temu odgovoren-a za 12-mesečno plačilo članstva (ne glede na izbran način plačila) oz. se strinjam, da ne morem zahtevati povračila vplačil. Po preteku 12 mesecev lahko članstvo kadarkoli prekinem.