We commonly have a belief that emotional situations are stressful and difficult and that a way out is a slow and a painful process.
As a trained therapist I know what we were silently trained to reinforce this to people’s thinking.
You were taught to stick a sticker of good and bad to your feelings and situations. Then you use enormous amount of energy to turn “bad” situations into “good” situations. This is frustrating, drives you crazy and robes you of having an amazing life and enough energy to do things you really love.
When you remove those stickers and just stay with your true feelings in your body, which takes no energy but gives you energy, then you sail through whatever is with ease and love. No stress, no drama, no energy drain. Just bliss and presence.
Everyone can do that. You can do that. In the F.E.E.L. VIDEO GUIDE I show you how.
F.E.E.L. is an ancient, natural, simple and efficient approach for mastering your emotional intelligence.
It is a 4-step process for healing your past, feeling your present and manifesting your future.
You want to up-level personally, professionally and emotionally and you want art&beauty of feeling to enrich your life.
You may be in the phase of your life, where some hidden or dormant troubles woke up and need your attention. You want connection, sincerity, presence, depth and meaning in your relationships.
You want to establish a family where connection and healthy relating is a norm. You need conscious child-raising principles, since old and outworn ones don’t work in your family anyway.
You have read tons of books, attended workshops and yet, your most stubborn issues is still there. It drains your life energy and prevents you from having a wonderful and purposeful life.
You want the freedom and the power of free decision making in all areas of your life (professional, personal, financial). Yet, you feel that authority and some outer forces don’t let you breath freely (like your boss, your partner, the school system, the health system, the political system).
You are done with suppressing, denying or overlooking your deepest, true feelings. You want to accept them, express them freely and listen to them as to your best guides to the precious life, awaiting for you.
4 fundamental videos,
which lead you through F.E.E.L. process – you can try it out immediately and turn your struggles and dramas into bliss, presence and connection.
You will get: practical guidance about art and beauty of feeling, based on years of practice and research, tools for connecting and communicating your true feelings, deep inner peace and emotional strength.
You will get: best and most sincere secrets about relationships, about hidden and unexpressed emotions, emotional wounds and about healing those wounds. These secrets were only available to therapists so far. With F.E.E.L. – art and beauty of feeling, the power of creating the life you want, is finally given where it belongs – into your own hands.
A number of short videos,
showing you use of F.E.E.L. in different aspects and situations of everyday’s life (confidence, self-love, connecting with and relating to others, parenting, freedom of creating a life you want, emotional strength, emotional healing, inner peace, trust and harmony).
Introduction of F.E.E.L. MEMBERSHIP,
our best-selling program, which begins on November 6th 202 (enrolment until November 2nd 2022).
You will get: clear understanding of what F.E.E.L. MEMBERSHIP is about, what transformation you will be going through and how are you going to handle your future wild manifestations.
You will get: practical guidance about art and beauty of feeling, based on years of practice and research, tools for connecting and communicating your true feelings, deep inner peace and emotional strength.
4 fundamental videos,
which lead you through F.E.E.L. process – you can try it out immediately and turn your struggles and dramas into bliss, presence and connection.
You will get: best and most sincere secrets about relationships, about hidden and unexpressed emotions, emotional wounds and about healing those wounds. These secrets were only available to therapists so far. With F.E.E.L. – art and beauty of feeling, the power of creating the life you want, is finally given where it belongs – into your own hands.
A number of short videos,
showing you use of F.E.E.L. in different aspects and situations of everyday’s life (confidence, self-love, connecting with and relating to others, parenting, freedom of creating a life you want, emotional strength, emotional healing, inner peace, trust and harmony).
You will get: clear understanding of what F.E.E.L. MEMBERSHIP is about, what transformation you will be going through and how are you going to handle your future wild manifestations.
Introduction of F.E.E.L. MEMBERSHIP,
our best-selling program, which begins on November 6th 202 (enrolment until November 2nd 2022).
Spelca Morojna Ph.D. is deeply in love with people, their beauty and inner brilliance. She has devoted her life to bring that forth in humanity. She loves nature, she takes long walks while creating new F.E.E.L. adventures and she loves spending her life traveling. But there is one thing she loves best – being a Mom. She has three children (two almost adult boys and a teenage daughter). They are her biggest inspiration and let’s be honest, her biggest growing opportunity, day in and day out.
She was born and raised in Slovenia, a beautiful country with a famous lake and an island on it. She loves her birth country and she loves living abroad in various countries. Life has made her ready for her mission through several strong and deep experiences (one could call them crisis).
She has experienced almost every kind of violence in her life (physical, emotional, mental and energetical) and all of them helped her heal and grow her self-esteem and confidence. She has managed to resolve a toxic marriage and found a way to overcome obstacles to meaningful life, she lives now professionally and personally.
She holds a Ph.D. in computer science, but this was in her past life. She was reborn when she almost lost her daughter in a drowning accident and ever since she creates her life in a feminine, yet fierce and heartfelt way.
She is an internationally renowned expert in the field of emotional intelligence, speaker and writer, among others of a bestseller TEENAGE ANGER. She is the author of the method “F.E.E.L. ™ – art & beauty of feeling”, the founder and president of F.E.E.L.™ YOUR LIFE education system and signature educational programs F.E.E.L. ACADEMY and F.E.E.L. LEADERSHIP. Her vision and mission is to help all people in the world to express their true feelings and live in healthy and honest relationships with themselves and others.
You can find more about her, her programs and products at www.feel-yourlife.com!
2022 © F.E.E.L., dr. Špelca Morojna | Splošni pogoji | Piškotki
Razumem in se strinjam, da se vpisujem v F.E.E.L. MEMBERSHIP članstvo za najmanj 12 mesecev, zaradi zaupne narave dela. Če mi način dela ne odgovarja, lahko iz članstva izstopim po 30 dneh od pričetka. V tem primeru plačam samo 1. obrok oz. lahko zahtevam vračilo vplačane celoletne članarine, zmanjšanje za prvi obrok oz. 69 eur. Če po 30 dneh članstva zaradi kateregakoli razloga dvomim o nadaljevanju, lahko predlagam 15 minutni osebni pogovor z mentoricama Janjo Urbančič ali dr. Špelco Morojna in se pogovorim o svojih dvomih. Tudi če (več) ne sodelujem v aktivnostih članstva, sem kljub temu odgovoren-a za 12-mesečno plačilo članstva (ne glede na izbran način plačila) oz. se strinjam, da ne morem zahtevati povračila vplačil. Po preteku 12 mesecev lahko članstvo kadarkoli prekinem.